(01) 968 2499

Docsbase Translation & Consular Services Ltd

Corporate Services ~ Legals Services ~ Immigration ~ Language Solutions

Business Loans

Our Russian team registers any type of entities in Russia in the most expedient and cost effective way.

We provide registered address in the office buildings in Russia as the law does not allow to have registered address in a private residence. We will advise you on the best registration option for your particular needs. How you register your entity will later have an effect on tax affairs and operation of the company.

There are several forms for a foreign investor to start business in the Russian Federation. Foreign investor may set up a Russian legal entity in the form of limited liability company, joint-stock company (which can be private or public) or partnership. The other way is to register a representative or branch office of a foreign company in Russia.

Our services include:

• limited liability companies (here an abbreviation "OOO" is commonly used)

• additional liability companies

• privately held, closed joint-stock companies ("ZAO")

• publicly held, open joint-stock companies ("OAO")

• branches and representation offices of a foreign company

• other business partnerships and companies provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

We will bring you through the entire process, help your entity to open a bank account in Russia, register in the Tax Office, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, etc. All these are mandatory according to Russian legislation. We will sort out your paperwork in Ireland and Russia. We will do all your translations and certifications. Everything involves a lot of paperwork in Russia, but with us this process will be simple for you. We will help you with your visa and arrange all your visits to Russia, if necessary.

For more information on how our team can help you and free consultation, please contact us:

Email: info@ales.ie
Skype: buro.ie
Tel: +353-1-4428720; +353-85-1726504

Make an Enquiry

Address: Office 125, The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7, D07 W2N4

Tel: (01) 968 2499

Email: info@ales.ie

Offices in London – Belfast – Zurich – New York

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Our Toronto branch are team of Qualified Canadian Lawyers specialising in Immigration and Business solutions in Canada.

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Office 125, The Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7, D07 W2N4

(01) 968 2499