With over 10 years of on translation market we have a very extensive database of translators specializing in various languages and areas. When we receive a translation request from you, we will find the translator with specific expertise in this area whether it is technical, legal or any other type of translation. All our translators are certified language specialists and will ensure your translations are accurate and meet all requirements. All translations are done by the native speakers of the target language and then proofread by an independent translator. We have very strict quality assurance policies and will ensure that translation fully reflects the contents of the original document. If required, the translation is also edited by a native speaking expert specializing in the specific particular area
We also have full-time certified staff translators in our offices in various languages, so we can ensure quick turnaround time.
We are team of experienced language professionals who speak your language and we can help you avoid “yes” answer to the following questions:
- Have you ever been overcharged for translation?
- Have you ever been late because of delayed translations?
- Have you ever been embarrassed by bad interpreting or translation?
We have very convenient online booking and payment procedures. In most cases you will not need to come to our offices, everything can be done online and if you need certified translation we can post it to you.
We have been working with various agencies and authorities all over the world for over 10 years, and our experts know their translation requirements. Some would need certified translations, others are looking for notarized translations. We will provide the exact type of translation you need so that you can avoid any delays or complications.